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A memoir by Maria Cassano

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About the author

Maria Cassano is an award-winning writer, editor, and journalist whose work has appeared in NBC, Bustle, CNN, Food & Wine, The Daily Beast, Allure, and Elite Daily, among dozens of other publications. 

She's specialized in e-commerce marketing since 2016, but after she was diagnosed with a dissociative disorder at 28, her mission changed: Now, Maria seeks to understand the correlation between trauma and the abandonment of self — both within herself and the world around her. 


After healing from depersonalization-derealization disorder using EMDR therapy, she's back in her body and spreading the word about dissociation, EMDR, and the importance of self-advocacy within feminism. She's currently seeking literary representation for her memoir, NUMB, PARTY OF ONE. 

Maria in the media

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